
Rally with the Gitxsan November 21st, 10am Smithers BC


JOIN US Nov.21, 10AM. Gitxsan Chiefs, members, First Nations and Allies will protest legalized collusion of industry-led BC Supreme Court injunctions against First Nations land defenders -allowing the looting of our natural resource on our lands. RCMP-C-IRG deploy their militarized squadron to terrorize our people and our way of life. We will gather at 10 am at The Sunshine Inn – the defacto RCMP C-IRG Barracks- and march to the BC Supreme Court steps.


“It starts out with the government giving approval to the industry. People coming on our land, and they’re doing that without our prior, informed consent,” she said.
“An injunction is made [as a] full stop, there’s no dialogue … they can bring in the armed martial law with guns and dogs meant to threaten and intimidate. Is that reconciliation?”

Simoogit Geel (Catherine Blackstock)

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